How to Make Iced Tea

1. Boil water on the stove
2. Add boiling water to 1 gallon plastic decanter.
3. Add two family size teabags to steep. (Steeping time varies, I usually have 30 mins.)
4. Place plastic decanter in -25 degree windchills.
5. Wait 25 minutes, your iced tea will be created as one large ice cube. (Or should I say tea cube.)

Tune in next time for more Fun With Wind Chill…

In other news, I’ve been writing about Lenga these days. Sure, I could mention that a certain someone now has their own website. This is, of course, not to be confused with

I could mention that Brian Felushunko now has a blogger account. Brian is the evangelist of the Vancouver Church. I know because of DisciplesToday. I am happy that DToday produced a news item about a non-UP church.

What I will mention, with its own post eventually, is that the church I attend has been invited to join the evening worship service of another CoC in town. At the end of Feb, we will be going to the so-called “black” church of Christ in town to worship together. I am greatly encouraged by this development and I hope it leads to more such events.

Hiatus will end shortly. I’m teaching a class in March and I’ll post the notes. See you soon.