Recent Event

UPDATE 8/7/2007: Spoke to my father-in-law in Vermont. He is fine.

UPDATE 8/4/2007: Still no word from father-in-law. We believe that he and his wife are in Vermont. Where they went in Vermont is a notorious cell phone dead zone. Thus we are waiting, but pretty sure that they are okay.

I suppose that you’ve heard about this on the news. In case the link is down, the Interstate 35W bridge across the Mississippi river collapsed at about 6pm CDT. This bridge is just east of the Metrodome.

To give you an idea, here is how far away it is from where we got married. We got married just a minute east of my father-in-law’s house.

We have not heard from my father-in-law or his wife. We have no reason to believe that they were in the area. They are retired and have no need to take busy streets during rush hour. It is possible that they were in transit from their home to a house in Grand Marais, about six hours north, but it is still unlikely.

My mother-in-law and sister-in-law, along with my nephews are in upstate NY, so I know that they are okay.

I’ll let you know as things progress.