On the way to work today, I saw this license plate. It made me smile a little as in encapsulates a thought not often found on religious plates. I’ve seen John 3:16 in four states. I’ve even seen Acts 2:38 in Nebraska and Texas. (I was suprised to miss it in Tennesse.).

As many of you already know, I’ve always wanted to have Mark 8:24. I used to carry it with me to basketball and football games in college. I’ve even used Luke 1:63 as a name tag at a conference.

Back to the point, it is good to see something related to forgiveness on the highways. So many messages I see around here deal with hatred of certain groups of people, disapproval of the president, pro-life, pro-choice, and a host of other messages ranging from bad to worse. I am glad that I do not have to become a Libertarian/Democrat/Republican/Constitution Party member or make peace or save the whales. I’m sure I need those things, if I think about it. But what I really need – what everyone needs:

is forgiveness.