
Building Community

My wife has a big dream: she wants to build community through art.

It is simple to say and at first, I thought it was difficult to implement. However, we have pictures we share of her ‘baby shower’ for Dancing Bear (expected Wednesday). So, it is not as difficult as I first believed. After all, building community is involved with whomever shows up, not a quorum.

As we were talking yesterday about what this dream looks like in our future, we were talking to her mom about various ideas. I tend to look for the largest scope possible. How can art help heal the racial divisions in our city? How can art bring together various factions and schisms of the RM?

How can art bring our cul-de-sac together?

I met most of the people in the cul-de-sac under two circumstances: one was during deep snows and we shoveled out each others’ driveways. The other was my complaints at fireworks being set off. (They are illegal within city limits. I waited until 11PM to complain.) Every once in a while, I talk to a couple of my neighbors – it’s not anything really special. I know a few of them, but only superficially.

So what if our cul-de-sac had a small event this summer?

Most of us have gas grills, so food isn’t a big deal. But what if we had a cookout, a child-art activity or two, and a drumming jam session at the end? Now we got a community building idea underway. What’s more basic than grilled meat in the summer? What’s more fundamental in music than a drum?

I’ll let you know how it all turns out.

More later.