Contigo Linux

Truly excited today, yes I am. Shane and I get to buy and configure our prototype equipment today. The goal of this project is to have a simple Linux distribution that does six simple things well. In addition, it will be specialized to the resort rental community in that it will restore itself every Sunday

Me? Overract?

There is talk about going through the 40 days of purpose(r) at my church. Having read the book sometime ago, all kinds of red flags appeared. In a rare step, I wrote people I knew and asked their opinion before posting here. Truly amazing. Turns out that my objections are pretty much a reflection of

No Global Domination Here

In the six reasons I gave for this webblog, the last was fairly cryptic: Lastly, I write here because I have decided that I am not someone with worldwide influence, so I’m not going to try. I have better things to do at home. When I went to the International Teacher’s Conference last year in