
Easter is always meaningful to me – it’s a reboot for whatever is going on in my spiritual life. Things come into focus.

In the end, it’s about the resurrection.

This year, though, the family in very involved with Easter service. I saw my wife’s monologue performed during dress rehearsal last night. I am very proud of her. Her monologue is being performed by a teenager and features a young girl struggling with bitterness. In the story, she tried to bring her brother to Jesus so that he could be healed only to find that he was being crucified when she got to Jerusalem.

Our normally chatty congregation fell silent while it was performed. It is powerful.

I managed to bungle through the choir numbers. I can hit high notes, but I’m not certain that I should. I may lip sync.

I used to sing a song in church that some derisively called Men Who Scream. Men sing really really high, women sing really low and really high. The melody ends up being sung LOUD instead of correctly. (I don’t know of any congregation where every tenor can hit a G above middle C.) I mention this, because I was Man Who Screams for half the night.

Oh well. It’s fun and I’m happy to do it.

In other news, my wife and I hope to make a bid on a house very soon.

Happy Easter everyone. Be back soon. Really.