For those wondering out there

True, it’s been a slow newsweek on the church front. As my brother tells me, maybe this is a sign that I just need to get away from all of it. I believe that he is right. Come mid-November, I’ll probably leave all of this working through my church past, present, and future behind.

The whole wedding is going well and I believe it will be wonderful. I look forward to it as it will be a beautiful ceremony. I look forward to seeing my family and I look forward to a new life.

This week, though, the pressure of all the details, my relentless thought cycle and the drudgery of aspects of my job really got to me. I broke down last night after I thought Laryssa believed that I had blown off getting help moving tomorrow. Of course, she didn’t believe that at all; she was sharing that she was stressed because we didn’t have people lined up for certain. Needless to say, I got really defensive and it uncovered a few things – especially the stresses.

Billy Joel has said in song ‘I have to smile when she reveals me’ and I feel the same way. She is truly wonderful. I truly love my best friend and confidant. I hope and pray to be able to relax so that I can help her.

Anywho, maybe I’ll work out the relentless thought cycle this weekend. Who knows? For those that don’t know me, the relentless thought cycle is a period of intense creativity bottled by a lack of writing ideas down. Because I have such a poor memory, my mind reviews things over and over so that I can remember them long enough to write them down. Work and wedding planning hasn’t afforded me the time to write things down, thus the review of ideas is constantly running 24/7. This makes the cycle worse because I don’t rest which makes it harder to write things down.

This doesn’t mean I’ll post a lot to get it out. Some of the ideas of less blog-like. For example, a small group of us have been working on a study series for our church and I’ve been working on a post-baptism basics type of thing. Those things will be one of the countless Open Office documents on my work and home hard drives.

I’ll let you know as it works out. Tonight, my roommate and I will be going out to eat, so I’ll get away from the computers for awhile. I’ll write more soon.