Goodbye for now

I’m off to get married. I’ll probably have no inclination to write anything for quite a while.

  • Thanks to Laryssa for being my best friend and confidant.
  • Thanks to my friends from all over.
  • Thanks for our gifts – The Ocean Blue placesettings are nice, but we don’t need more of them. You could get the coffee pot. It’s fully automatic and programable, just add roasted coffee beans.
  • Thanks to my friend and minister that continues to help me deal with my past, my present and my future.
  • Thanks to Jeff who has given me great counsel.
  • Thanks to my good friend and business partner for being patient with me while we figure out how to build our business.
  • Thanks to Laryssa’s Dad for doing SO much to make the wedding happen.
  • Thanks to my parents who have helped a lazy person like me actually move my stuff and provide emotional support when the details really stressed me out.
  • Glory be to God that he has blessed me with so many that care and with one that is closer than a brother.

Will I write about the Bible Study Tour? Maybe. I hope to have pictures for everyone on our website –, if nothing else. We got a new digital camera, so it will be fun to try it out.

I’m sure in the coming weeks, I’ll write a lot less about church and more about my writing and teaching, at least I hope so. It’s therapeutic to bear my soul to the world wide web, but there’s nothing really new to write about that. Besides, as far as my writing goes, there’s a backlog of ideas for my fantasy world. Think of a battery that stores magic, you’ll never believe what powers it. I’ll give you a hint, they’re also good for fishing.

Anywho, visit for really insightful articles in the meantime. He’s a neat guy with a lot of insight. He writes more to explore God as opposed to my site that serves as a scratchpad.

Much love to my friends in Raleigh. I hope to see you in the Spring.