
Hesberian Gazetteer

Every once in a while, I take a break from religious topics, or issues within the ICoC to work on other things I enjoy. One of them, is my fantasy setting, the World of Dira. I have a wiki set up as sort of an encyclopedia. I call it the Hesberian Gazetteer. It’s sort of the second edit of whatever World of Dira posts I make here. Because of the format, some information is added or omitted.

In some ways, it feels like the Dicitionary of the Khazars when I reread what I’ve written, but I promise that wasn’t my intent when I started it. If you haven’t read Dictionary of the Khazars, it is a very good read, no matter how you read it. To understand what I mean, pick up a copy.

Oddly enough, the book was originally written in Serbo-Croatian. This is the same language that forms the basis of the Ogdan language. I know, I know, the Ogdan don’t have a spoken language, only hand signals to the Ganarii. Trust me, it will become clear in time. You think I just pulled ‘nechka’ out of the top of my head?

In any case, that gets updated when the blog doesn’t. I mean posts. I write a comment or two everyday.

So, if you wish, feel free to peruse the dictionary. True to wiki form, anything with a question mark hasn’t been written yet.