Illuminating the Word

I went to see Saint John’s Bible this past weekend. If you do not know, it is a Bible hand copied from the NRSV in calligraphy with pictures called illuminations.

Talk about beautiful, the picture for the creation was wonderful. It was seven columns with each column representing a day. It included a picture of the Ganges river delta from space as well as the use of gold to represent the sabbath.

Psalms was by far the most captivating. Threaded throughout were scores of various Gregorian and eastern chant. I say scores because it was the notes only, not the words. These little golden notes culminated in Psalm 150 written entirely in shining gold ink.

The illumination of John 1 really moved my wife. It was quite striking but I feel like I cannot really describe it. Let me just say it captures the idea of Jesus’ divinity quite well.

If it comes to your town, go see it. It is great.