
Ilosian remix – rough draft

In re-thinking the Ilosians based on their language, I wanted to quickly write down a couple of ideas to expand upon later.

Physically, the Ilosians exhibit a wide variation of pigmentation. Within the same clan, pigmentation is similar with individual variations (much like fingerprints or tiger stripes). However, there are a few traits that cover several clans:

Dark pigmentation on the shoulders that narrows to a thin band that runs down the back of the arms to the end of the last digit on their hands.
Unusual coloration on the pectorals muscles (Bright red, blue, or yellow)
Spots (dark colors) on the face beneath the eyes on their cheeks.
Various striping on the sides.
Legs being a different pigmentation than the rest of the body.

To augment their pigmentation, men add tatoos of intricate designs in many colors. Naturally, green is a rare color for Ilosian pigmentation, so the current fashion is green colored tattoos.

Along the lines of their physiology and how it affects their language:

A very few Ilosian singers are able to make two simultaneous vowel sounds. These singers take years of training to learn how to do it. (Most Ilosians can make two consonant sounds at the same time.)

More later, off to clean the house.