On Vacation

I had to take the last days of vacation before the end of the year (Aug – Jul for employees). So, I am off today, tomorrow, and Friday. Saturday, we are going to a seminar about breastfeeding in Lincoln. Sunday is our quarterly service in Lincoln, but because it is outside and scheduled to be really hot, we are staying in town. Right now, we are going to Southwest, but that may change to a friend of my wife’s church.

So, no editing duties for me 🙂 , but I do have half a day to myself at home. This, of course, means writing time for most of it.

Quick Answer to a Question by Milly

So, Milly, the short answer to the question, “Why won’t you like the next Awakening?” is this: I won’t like it because I believe that instant Bible Knowledge will be a substitute for real Biblical insight. Scott has linked to Biblemap.orgon his site. This is a great tool that I think is a precursor to some of the Bible scholarship that is to come. Getting a sense of the distances involved between location can provide some insight, plus it helps visual learner form context around the Biblical story. However, knowing where Jesus’ miracles took place is not the same as understanding the significance of those miracles. (This is almost the same idea that appears in Phillip Yancey’s The Jesus I Never Knew)