Disease and Consequence

I know, sounds like one of the recent parodies of classic literature that adds zombies to the story. In this case, I guess it sounds like zombies plus a Dostoyevsky novel. (Humiliated and Insulted comes the closest, he didn’t have a novel with Consequences in the title.) As my friends already know, when I start

Preview of Judges

As promised, here is the beginning of an exploration of the book of Judges. I say exploration because the class was not able to finish due to some unique circumstances. Still, to prepare for the rather lengthy post to follow, here is the outline of the first class I handed out to everyone. It’s been

Post Series Soon

As I mentioned two months ago, I recently taught a class on the book of Judges. I’m going to post the exposition over the next few days. It will be fun. Because someone asked, UPC 2.0? Making it shorter doesn’t change that it is a contract. I believe a contract is inappropriate for a church