Running after John

The apostle John and some children following him enter from stage right. As they are walking, the children are peppering him with all kinds of questions:

Children: (asking all of these in sequence)

What was he like?
Did he really wash your feet?
Did it tickle?
Can you tell us the fish story?
Did he really walk on water?
Did he like the Romans?
Did he say blessed are the cheesemakers?

John: Okay. Okay. Everyone gather around.

Takes a bit of time to sit down.

John: So full of questions today, huh?

Children: (begin barrage of questions again.)

Where did he go?
Daddy says he caught a lot of fish.
What does bread of life mean? I heard Daddy talking about it.
Did he really make a storm go away? Can he do it again?

John: (motioning to children) Settle down, my children. Settle down. So many great questions! It’s good to ask so many questions about Jesus. Since it’s almost time for passover, let’s think about the questions we ask at the seder meal. I’ll call on you to ask your question, how about that?

Children: Okay! Pick me first!

John points to one of the children

John: Caleb, what is your question?

Caleb: Why is Jesus so important?

John: Great question, Caleb! Jesus is important because he shows us what God is like. You see, instead of sending us a scroll and reading about God, God sent Jesus. Jesus does what God does so that we can see God. Jesus came as a person so that we could touch God. Jesus says what God says so that we can hear God.

We used to know God by the words Moses wrote. Now we know God because Jesus showed us who God is.Seeing Jesus is like seeing the words of God in action. This is why you hear Jesus called the Word of God. We used to say that if you want to know God, look at the Torah. Now, we say, that if you want to know God, look at Jesus.

John looks at the children and points to a little girl.

John: Anna, why don’t you ask your question, now.

Anna: Who is Jesus?

John: Jesus is truly God, truly human, truly one.

John thinks about this for a second and realizes that he is talking to children, not adults.

John: Well, that’s saying a lot. Let me say it this way. At the very beginning, before there were people or trees or even daylight, Jesus was already there. Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God. All things were made through Jesus. There is not one thing you can name that was made without him. Life was in Jesus, and that life was the light for everybody.

Not long ago, Jesus became a human being. He was even a child, just like you.He made his home with us. Some of your parents and I walked with him and followed him wherever he went.

John pauses to look at the audience

John: (to the audience) He was God with us.

Break for service. Focus shifts on choir as children exit.


Children and John enter and resume their places.

John: Very good questions so far, my children. Let’s have a couple more. Stephen, what is your question?

Stephen: Why did he have to die?

Jesus didn’t have to die. He chose to die because he loves us.

When you were a baby and you broke something, did your mommy or daddy make you pay for it?

Stephen and the other children shake their heads.

John: No, they paid for it, because you were a baby and couldn’t do it yourself. God is the same way. We have all done bad things – including me. Those bad things are called sin. Sin is like a wall that keeps God apart of us.

God loves all of us. He wants to have to be really close to all of us, but sin gets in the way. So God decided to pay for what was broken. The only way to pay, was to send Jesus to earth and have Jesus pay for the damage done. When he died, everything was paid for. The good news is, though, that he also came back to life and he is alive today.

John looks at the children with love.

John: One more question for today. Tabitha, what would like to ask?

Tabitha: What does it mean that he is alive today?

John: It means that Jesus is with us right now, not just when some of your parents and I talked to him. Jesus said that if even two of us pray to him, he’ll be right there with us.

You know, He’s in Heaven, now with God. Before He left, though, He sent us a great friend to help us. Jesus said that even though he was going to Heaven, the Spirit would be with us. Whenever we’re in trouble or we’re afraid and don’t know what to say, Jesus will be right there with us. He will help us when we’re scared. He will help us when we don’t know what to say. Doesn’t that sound like a great friend to have?

John looks to the audience

John: The good news is that Jesus is risen today. Now I have a question for you.

John pauses.

John: Now that you know who Jesus is and what He was about, what will you do about it? I’ll tell you what I did.

John picks up his own cardboard testimony and shows it to the audience. The first side says “Son of Thunder”. The opposite side reads “Apostle of Love.”

Many thanks to my wife that gave me the time to write this little script. It took a lot more time than it probably should have.

Although normally I am not a friend of Focus on the Family, their two part article about how to answer your child’s questions was invaluable.

I’d also like to thank the Council of Chalcedon (451) for a short definition of the Trinity.