Six Years

It’s been six years. Those who know me have an idea what I am talking about.

I don’t plan on commemorating it every year. In fact, until someone else mentioned it to me, I had forgotten.

Since I haven’t done the proverbial beginning of the year post with hopes and dreams, and since I hadn’t done the 2008 year in review, it seems like a good time to attempt both.

Sometime later.

For what it is worth, though, I have to say that I will never forget. I am at peace with where I go to church, I am at peace with what I did to other people in the name of God, I am at peace with where my family is heading.

Still, I will never pretend that we were (and in some places still are) something we we weren’t. We were not THEE Kingdom of God and we will never be THEE Kingdom of God.

Here’s to hoping that 2009 will be a great year of victory and faith. The focus for this year will be Micah 6:8.

Act with justice,
Love mercy,
Walk humbly with God.