Return to the Semicube

Back to work, I am. Fun. Fun. Fun. Seriously, though, five days on vacation with the family was a lot of fun. Took some cool video of the children, somewhat enjoyed a trip to Lincoln, slept, worked on a moonlighting project, etc. The list goes on. I had several long stretches away from a computer.


Flock 0.9 released

Wanted to see if the interface was any better. So far, the jury is out. It makes me define a font face when I don’t want to do that. Aargh! Blogged with Flock


Didn’t Reserve a Copy of the final book?

Maybe it’s me, but something about people dressed up as characters as a book sitting in line at a bookstore for hours is unnerving. (I know, I know. Been to Rocky Horror when I was a college student. Went to Interactive Holy Grail showings. Dressed up as a blue crayon for Halloween. It’s a paradox.)