
The Great Simplification Project

Thoreau cried out, “Simplify! Simplify!”

Taking this sentiment to heart, I hope to clean up the categories so that they are more broad. I want to do this because the list on the right hand side just appears odd to me. I wanted subcategories to be really detailed, but posting requires me to scroll quite a bit just for the category, so it needs to go. I’d like something along the lines of Doug’s site and have categories like:

Life and Merriment
Love and Marriage
Church and More Church
God and King
Peas and Carrots

…but I digress.

Until such a utopian state can be acheived, I’ll have to settle for just cleaning up the links. I still link to the Cluetrain Manifesto and I returned the link to John Engler’s site, the Barnabas Ministry.

Otherwise, maybe some commentary later – Gordon Ferguson released an essay today that is pretty interesting. On the whole, I like it, though I must confess that I have no sympathy for ‘leaders’ being put in a tough spot. Welcome to what being a minister has traditionally been for every other minister: the best and worst job you could possibly have. I speak as a leader here – scrunity from any source is welcome. I may not agree with it, but I won’t complain about the amount of scrunity I get.

I digress again – it is a pretty good article.

Last thing I want to mention is my perchant to write drafts. Those that read fairly often probably notice that I will edit the same story over and over. I intend to edit “Business Driven Church” one more time and edit “Stepping Stones” for clarification. If I intended a draft, it will say “DRAFT” at the end. Otherwise, I may just revise. Me and Poe have that obsessive editing thing in common.

I used to post each draft, but I don’t want to do that anymore, it is much easier the other way and has yielded better articles.

One more, then I’m done for today.