They Come Today

My son’s hearing aids come today.

This is the bright, shiny spot in a week where every possible issue that can go wrong with our Pension software, has gone wrong.

Anyone know COBOL? I sure don’t. And before you offer a class, let me just say that any COBOL programmer worth his salt has seen the code and responded like Marlon Brando in Apocolypse Now.

The horror…
The horror…

We now return you to our regularly scheduled post, already in progress.

..says to the other, “I’d heerd of that there Hind Lick Maneuver, but ain’t never seed nobody do it!”

We apologize for the inconvenience. Those responsible for returning to the correct blog have just been sacked. We now return you to the correct blog, already in progress.

So we’unz r headen off…

We apologize again for the inconvenience. Those responsible for incorrectly applying the ‘hillbilly’ filter have just been sacked. Those responsible for sacking those who have been sacked, have also been sacked.

Whoa, I feel like I’ve been somewhere else for a while. Sharp taste of moonshine in my mouth for some reason.

We again…

I’m sorry, the one that feel the need to sack those responsible for sacking those that have been sacked, have just been sacked. Sooner or later, they’ll figure out that you just cannot sack the blog owner.

As I said, my son will get his hearing aids later today. Frabjous joy, Callou Callay!

I’m so happy I c-