
What’re Your Favorites?

I’ve asked some of you personally, now I’ll ask all of you publicly.

Which posts do you like the most?

I’m learning a markup language called LaTeX used for making professional quality printed information. I’d like to get practice using it for book layouts. I have no illusions of being published or anything like that, I just want practice. At the end, the pdf will be available here.

You can also mention posts you’d like me to finish. Some semithoughts are rather grand in scope, yet narrow in execution.

Thanks in advance. Take the month of June to decide.

Update June 4:
At first, I didn’t understand the meaning of “stuff from the heart” because it is all from the heart. But I follow now, I believe. Basically stuff about my life and family. Thanks for the votes thus far. I’ll put up a list from time to time so you can let me know about specific stories if you like.

Specific votes thus far:
Fistful of Diamonds is the story about playing cards.
Better Living through Oat Rings is so entitled to avoid using a trademark of a certain cereal company.
Eye of the Sparrow about a fire hazard.

There’s also been a vote to finish an article about the Christian pocket universe.