
Esbrus – The Capital of the Republic

The center of the Hesberian Empire lies in its own province south of Tecia marked by gently rolling hills. The heart of the city lies between the two rivers, Bristus and Dejperus. According to the last census, Esbrus is home to 200 Senators’ familes, 22,314 Equestrian Families, 157,922 families of Freedmen, 62,817 Merchant families, 700 registered ‘Magicians’,20 Ganarii Merchants, 110,092 Ken Families (Citizens), 602 Families of Ken (Non-Citizens), and 35,000 Soldiers. (Approxiamtely 1.8 million people)

About the Census

The Senate usually takes up the debate at least once a seesion in regards to the classes of human and ken within the Republic. The main issues center around the definition of an “Equestrian Family”, the tracking of Ganarii Merchants, and the question of slavery. Although all slaves were set free under the last emporers, slavery is not technically illegal. Currently, no citizen reports slaves, but instead reports ‘freedmen within the household’ in order to differentiate servants from family members. (The number of freedmen usually controls the production of the bread dole and so citizen tend to overreport freedmen in order to increase the dole. Excess production is given away during various festivals.) Usually, the senate comes to no new conclusions and the older categories remain unchanged.

The Markets

The City of Esbrus has three main markets or Ejkura, that comprise the center of urban life, Ejkura Broniroga, Ejkura Awreliani, and Ejkura Nekmus.

Broniroga, or First Market lies on the Bristus river and contains the oldest and most established commericial district in the city. Families with the deepest history in Esbrus do business here. Those who long for the glory days of the Empire also come here as well as it is almost exclusively human-owned shops. Traditional stores of cloth merchants, butchers, blacksmiths, and the like vie for the attention of shoppers. Until the creation of Ejkura Awreliani, all the senators had their ceremonial toga created here. Equestrian families, however, still tend to have their census graments created here. (Senators are required by law to wear togas with a purple stripe. Equestrian families must wear a blue stripe during the census. Ganarii merchants are required to wear a garment with a dark green collar as Ganarii shun wearing togas.)

Ejkura Nekmus, or the Great Market is the second oldest market in the city. This sprawling complex has everything you can imagine (and a few things you cannot imagine) on display for sale or lease. Merchants from all over the known world of every stripe of ken do business here. Even Mavinian Traders set up shop here, much to the chagrin of local officials and Ganarii merchants. Also located within the Great Market are schools of various sizes in all manner of subjects. Many of the city’s great thinkers, poets, and debaters make their livelihood here. Most of the city’s registered magicians also live here. Besides the Ganarii school, there are schools for poetry, politics, mathematics, engineering, and magic. (Oddly enough, the study of magic is popular despite the fact that magic does not function within the city.)

Nekmus spreads across both sides of the Dejperus River. The East side of the market is older, the western side looks strikingly different as modern ideas of architecture and art appear more frequently. The western side also features unique shops called Kentegoma. Kentegoma specialize non-Hesberian culture, foods, and social norms. In general, they differ according the outside human cultures or cultures of various ken that live in the city. (These shops are different from the concept of Kentidurma Wards within the city. City officials mark off various parts of the city with high concentrations of various ken as Kentidurma. Most notable are Kentidurma Ganarium and Kentidurma Ilosium.) For many ken, the Kentegoma are the only places to purchase certain herbs, religious items, or other uniquely cultural goods and services. Humans usually treat these stores as curiousities at best. The Hesberian mindset of superiority of Humans and the superiority of Hesberians among Humans is still strong, even in this progressive area of the city.

Ejkura Awreliani was created in honor of Awrelias’ consulship. The center of this market is regarded as the first wonder of the modern world, The Great Mill. This mill has the capacity to bake enough bread for all freedmen in the city to receive a small loaf daily. Built with the help of the Ganarii, the mill is considered one of the great stablizing forces in Esbrus after the cataclysm. Because of the mill, every citizen is guaranteed basic foodstuffs. Officials with the government say that the mill operates at about half capacity currently, but many consider that a dubious claim. The mill is operated by teams of horses and over 1000 men. A standing contigent of 500 soldiers keep watch over the area, mostly policing the lines for food.
In addition to being a popular place for freedmen, the consulship requires that senators and Equestrians families purchase their official clothes in this market. Senators and Equestrians qualifiy for two large loaves a day, but few take advantage of this. It is seen as both a mark of poverty and a political liability.
Outside of the Mill and Official clothing merchants, this small market features fruit and vegetables of all kinds, mostly grown from smaller farms. During his consulship, Awrelias called this “The People’s Market” and began the tradition of announcing holidays and festivals here.

Urban Life