
Kwemara – The Celestial Killers

The ancient Ikan poet Gajus tells of a land in the far east where they do not worship the Gods or the Titans. Instead they worship a Creator whom they regard as Father. They also live to serve the emissaries of the Father-Creator called the Kwemara. The Kwemara have another name, the God-Killers.

As with all ken, in begins with their story of the creation of the universe.

When the Celestial world was created, the children of the Creator soon rose to fight each other for control. Their hostility was so great, that they killed their father, the Great Creator. Upon his death, the two sides ended their conflict to finish the work of creation. The Titans, like their father, finished creating the wonders of the universe: planets, comets, stars. As they completed various sections of the sky, they set the heavenly bodies into motion. They created increasingly fanciful worlds trying to outdo each other. When they finished their work, they set themselves to indulge and enjoy the works they created.

To keep the peace, the Gods created a precious few worlds preferring to avoid conflict with the Titans, at least for now. For thousands of years, it appeared that they would not create at all, but instead withdraw into their few worlds and prevent the celstial war from starting again. However, the Gods were creating, but they, like their father, were creating the ken of the universe.

For a while, there was a tense peace in the universe.

However, the Titans were not happy sharing the universe with ken. Most of their hatred came from the fact that the Gods created ken. The Titans then began to enslave all manner of ken and subjugate the creation of the Gods.

This was exactly what the Gods predicted the Titans would do. Their secret was that they created ken to strive for something outside themselves. For most ken, that something was power. Some strove for knowledge, others strove for art, a few strove to understand the Father Creator. The Gods also created ken to embrace freedom and abhor being controlled.

As all ken struggled under the Titans, they invoked the Gods to help them overthrow the Titans. Under the guise of protecting the Father Creator’s dream, the Gods fought the Titans in small ways. As ken grew in power, the Gods discovered that ken were capable of being powerful allies. In time, from world to world, the Gods and ken fought together to overthrow the Titans and they were winning the war.

Ken, however, soon discovered that the Gods had little interest in being partners. In worlds where the Titans were conquered, the Gods proved to be indifferent rulers at best. In some circumstances, weary ken began to fight the Gods as well.

With constant war all over the universe, all that had been created was in danger of being destroyed. The Gods and Titans had fearsome weapons, but ken, in their drive for power, created weapons that brought fear in the Heavens.

In the darkest hour, another stripe of ken appeared and demanded in the name of the Father Creator that the war must end. Although ken possesed awesome weaponry, they could not defeat both the Gods and the Titans. The other two parties were in no better shape. However, these new ken, though not created by the Gods or the Titans, were not considered to be a great threat.

According to the religious texts of those that worship the Father Creator, the rest of the story unfolds as follows:

The Kwemara spoke in one voice to the Titans saying,
“Cousins, we are both from the Father Creator, but you are destroying the work our Father. Do not make us fight you. Would you all perish?”

At that last sentence, Brumendehus, the first among the Titans laughed. He said, “Do you have such boldness as to threaten your cousins, the Titans? We are thousands and you are few. Join us and we will continue the work of our Father. However, the Gods have forsaken our father and they must be punished. Again I say, join us and let us punish the Gods for their pride. When that is finished, we will create in whatever manner you see fit.”

Again, the Kwemara spoke in one voice saying, “We have come to bring peace, but you speak of war and punishment. Our Father knew nothing of war until you killed him. If there is to be punishment, should not you be punished for killing our Father?”

Brumendehus was surprised at this and rebuked them. “We did not kill the Father. The Gods made war and destroyed our First Home. It is them that disobeyed the Father and struck against us. Would that we could return to First Home at live in peace, but these schemers and liars and destroyers insist on destroying us like they did our Father. May they perish!

We have no quarrel with you, cousins, but join us or be destroyed like them. Whoever is not with us is against us.”

One last time, the Kwemara begged in one voice, “We are not on your side, nor our we on the side of the Gods. We are the heirs of the Father and seek to create as he created. We do not wish to fight. We will not attack you, but if you attack us, you will be annihilated. Do not make us raise our swords against our closest kin!”

At that, the Titans gave a loud war cry. A legion of Titans charged into battle shouting, “Those who are not for us are against us. Death to the Gods!”

Seeing that the Titans were determined to make war, the Kwemara acted as one man. The legion of Titans were no more.

Enraged, the Titans brought their fearsome weapons against the Kwemara. Again, fighting as one man, the Kwemara destroyed the Titans, their weapons, and even their homes. The few Titans that survived surrenderred and begged their lives.

“Go,” said the Kwemara, “when you wish to work with us, dear cousins, we will be waiting. Until then, go and destroy no more.”

When the Gods beheld their fearsome power, they also sought to make peace. However, the king of the Gods sought to beguile them in order to destroy the remaining Titans. Ikter, the king, spoke with the Kwemara saying, “Come cousins, let us go and finish the work of the father. Surely we can even rebuild the First Home. Our kinship is our greatest strength. We will be able to overcome all those that oppose the work of the Father.”

The Kwemara again said in one voice, “Do you mock us as well? Do you believe that we seek to destroy our cousins? We have pleaded with them, but we will not beg you. The Titans were right when they said that you destroyed First Home and began the war that destroyed our Father. Even now, you seek to deceive us into fighting our cousing, the Titans! Do not play games. Lay down your arms and cease this war.”

Ikter replied, “Do you think we are as weak as the Titans that we should lay down our weapons at your word? We did not need the Titans, we did not need humans on the other ken, and we certainly do not need you. Who are you to correct us, the Gods? We continued the work of the Father and yet you stand in judgment of us?”

At that the Kwemara replied, “You have chosen your fate. Your pride will be your fall.”

When the Kwemara finished speaking, half the Gods fell and died. “Go,” the Kwemara said, “when you wish to work with us, dear cousins, we will be waiting. Until then, go and destroy no more.”

The Gods departed and waited until a better time to involve themselves in the affairs of ken.

With only the ken left on the battefield, the Kwemara threw open their arms and embraced the ken. “Brothers, you are free. All we ask is that you do not fight each other. Do not listen to the Gods or the Titans, for they are only concerned with themselves. Instead, look to the work of the Father Creator. Protect the weak, embrace beauty, destroy evil.”

At this, the ken threw down their arms and lived in peace for many centuries.”

Worshippers of the Father Creator have no admiration of the Hesberian Republic whom they consider an abomination because they make war among ken. Eastern societies invoke the Kwemara to protect them and help them continue the work of the Father Creator. For their disdain of the Hesberians, however, they choose to not make war, for now. They do not possess the weapons of the Kwemara, but believe that the emergence of magic in the world is the work of the Kwemara. They believe that a time of reckoning is coming for the Republic for the destruction they have brought into the world.