More From the Front

I’m happy that my wife has decided to have an online presence. It’s not because I think everyone needs to be online, but because of the benefits of a shared community. Throughout the past few years, I have benefited from several online communities.

To that end, I’ve repaired the long-neglected site, This involved an epic battle between WordPress 2.9 requirements and my hosting company’s recalcitrance. The hosting company won, so I had to do a SQL dump of the database, create a new one, re-import the data from the old database. Then I could upgrade to WordPress 2.9.1. This took a couple hours, but I think it will be worth it. My wife has a lot of great things stored in her heart to share.

I did the same database swap operation to this site, so now I am up-to-date. Now what is left a a bit of a redux and a few other changes. I’m going to add a few pages and redo (version 4) the About Me page. The links are going to be redone as I segregate my interests to separate websites. This will be my religious and non-fiction writing site. This site will also continue to be the central hub of my other websites. Sycarion will be my gaming website (it should also feature a co-author later this year I hope), will be my family/personal/random stuff site. Study Hall, Advocate, Lenga, and all other subsidiary sites will be shut down and removed.

At some point in the year, I hope to have two shorter study guides/books/expositions written. The first one will be the Book of Judges, the second one is undetermined. The second study guide/book/exposition will be determined by whatever is taught this spring. The church where I worship has no planned classes for Spring, Summer or Fall of next year. Three or four years ago, a bunch of us came up with a curriculum of sorts. I hope we can use it as it helps insure that every book of the Bible and major areas of life are covered in five year cycles. Then again, I hope to offer a bit of a technical class to cover things like E-Sword.

As an aside, I considered a complete overhaul to the site. I like fresh starts. I tend to think of God as the deity of perpetual new beginnings. It seemed like a good idea at the time. In the end, though, there’s no real way to do everything I want to do. Besides, I spent hours customizing this theme. I’m kind of used to it.

Lastly, I mostly interact with the online world through my sycarion identity.The only exception to this is Twitter. Still, if you do a Google search on either pinakidion or sycarion, the top 20 or 30 results point to me. I’m not hard to find. However, I mention sycarion because most of the sycarion entries in a Google search will point to things I’m doing now or in the near past.

So here’s to a continued great new year in 2010:

May the Lord stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk.