

Suppose your church leader received this email and asked you what you would suggest. Any takers?

Dear Delegates:

I pray this email finds all of you well and close to God!

I am sending this out in preparation for our International Leadership Conference.

Please take a moment to send this out to the people that you are representing and ask them to fill it out, too.

What are 4 areas of spirituality, leadership or church building that you feel needs to be addressed or taught at the ILC.

Who do you feel like could preach/teach effectively on these topics.

1. Need and Who:

2. Need and Who:

3. Need and Who:

4. Need and Who:

5. What is on your heart personally or what has God revealed to you recently, as you have been serving God’s Kingdom.
(in other words – if you were to offer a lesson to the Kingdom – what would be the topic.)

Now, I can tell you who I think will fill these slots for my former denomination, but just for fun, what you would say?