
The Other ICC

I had mentioned the following in a Split of a Split

Chicago International Church of Christ – Jay and Denise Chiappetta.

It seems that Chris Broom is moving from Syracuse to Chicago to ‘start’ the Chicago International Christian Church. Folks are coming from Syracuse, Madison, and from a previously unknown ‘International Christian Church’ in Florida. Chris appears to see this church as a base of operations to ‘evangelize’ the Midwest.

Chris also notes that he has asked the leadership of the ICC Chicago Church how the two organizations can peacefully coexist. I do not think that will be a problem. I honestly believe that there will be no reaction or statement made. In three months or so, a carefully crafted response will appear in the Chicago Bulletin or DisciplesToday.com.

In any case, I am begining to believe what Chris says near the end:

To those that will claim we are dividing our fellowship of churches I say, “We’re already divided.” To those who say we are confusing disciples by planting churches in cities where there is already an ICOC church I say, “There is already much confusion because of autonomy. The ICOC churches have splintered.

I hate that we are split, but we are. Some of us want the ‘discipling’ of old, some of us do not: most do not really care one way or the other and just want to trust God. I dunno. It just seems to be that we are reaping what we have sown and that all of this drama is a natural consequence. I want to remain hopeful, but as a whole, we are not interested in working with other members of the Restoration Movement (much less anyone else). ICC Leaders seem to believe that they can deal with Kip and the other ICC. They believe that they can preach return to the glory days, re-engage our original mission, reignite the dreams of old, re-establish our former governance, resume seeking and saving the lost without teaching reform from the past, repent from corporate sin, refuse to lord authority, or remove the yeast of the Pharisees. I have seen the teaching I mention. It is not a panacea – folks still stop attending my church. It does, however, begin to change old ways of thinking. It makes us a safe place to be, even if we still have large problems to overcome. I’ve seen it because outside help (meaning outside the ICC or the other ICC). It really does work.

As far as the other ICC, it will mushroom for awhile. The Kiev International Chrisitian Church started this Sunday as well as the new and reproved Chicago ICC. I really do not know who is next. I would suspect a church in Asia or SE Asia.

I honestly am not sure what to do about Kip, now. It’s too late to preach against him – it was too late in 2004 when he returned to Portland. Ignoring the other ICC will not make them go away. It seems there is nothing we can do except pray. Pray I will.