For the Love of Mike

can this ever be over? My old church has now signed, I’m curious if Triangle Church includes East Triangle Church or not. I know, I know. It’s a document that provides a framework for certain global decisions to be made. For example, where will the ILC be? Will we have a global website? etc. As

1994 Called

It wants it’s Evangelization Proclamtion back. For those that do not know, in 1994/95, we in the ICoC had a five year plan mandated by God to evangelize the world in one generation. This meant we had to have a church in every country that had a city of at least 100,000 folks. We were


Strange Religion

An odd idea is floating around about fellowship requirements. From the article, here’s the bottom line: Better yet, through the koinonia concept, each church that wishes to be part of this fellowship of churches, instead of signing a document, (which has already put off many leaders in today’s over-litigated society), should simply chip in a