
Beware the Streisand Effect

What is the Streisand Effect? It is a term used to describe a phenomenon on the Internet where an attempt to censor or remove a certain piece of information (for example, a photograph, file, or even a whole website) backfires and the information receives extensive publicity on the Internet in a short period of time.


Gang of Nine Retires

We now have an ‘unofficial’ report from the chairman of what was once the ICoC Steering Committee. It’s no secret that I’m no fan of the UP for various reasons. However, this kind of change is good in some ways. The biggest change is that we no longer have World Sector Leaders by a new


The Return of the UPC

The UP (now the UPC) is back in the news again. This time, it wasn’t me. First, Scott mentions it, then Mike. It makes me think that the steering committee is trying to drum up support for the UPC again. Why? Are they going to try to get more people to sign or something? Why