
Civil War

As the old saw states, there is nothing civil about a war, especially this one. According to his sermon delivered yesterday, Kip is moving to LA in March 2007. I really do not believe that there will be a clear winner in this contest. However, I do think it is going to be ugly. What


Denial, Not Just a River in Egypt

It will be released on the free side of DToday at some point, but the editors have released a statement about Kip and the formation of the International Christian Churches. If you have a membership, you should go read it. This is the most explicit statement to date. In it, the conclusion is very clear,


In Central America

The Partners in the Gospel series of articles has stirred up controversy in the subculture formerly known as the ICoC. In them, it seems pretty clear that Kip is trying to justify a split with the ICoC. I mentioned an article posted by Salt Lake asking to not be on any list because of their