Visit to the North Shore

I know this is short, but I wanted to include a note about scenic Hwy 61 driving north from Duluth, MN towards the Canadian border. Stop at the Scenic Cafe to eat. It is wonderful. It’s the first seafood that I’ve eaten in a restaurant in forever. The herring was good.

Happy Father’s Day

Thank goodness for Skype – it’s good to see my Dad on Father’s day. In some ways, the world keeps shrinking. I work with a “manuscript” editor that lives in South Africa. On special days, though, it feels just the opposite. It is still a 24.5 hour drive home and airfare is still prohibitively expensive.


Like a lot of religious words, the definition of repentance varies based upon whom you ask. There’s not too many secular uses of the word, though those few define it as regret. The typical Christian definition set it to mean regret and contrition. I come from a background where repentance meant regret and contrition and