Final Details

Turns out that the footer of this theme is base64 encrypted to avoid making changes. The problem was that the links went to a spam site. So, the theme has been fixed to correctly point to the creator of this theme, twice. Links to spam sites have been removed.

Also changed was the archive code. The archive code will now correctly display the date and comments from older posts.

Other than that, I hope to switch back and forth between this and the customized purpleish theme. I have to remove the spam links from that one as well.

Content for letters to my son are almost done. Finished one and working on the others. Last edit this week. Otherwise, a regular schedule will be followed for posting. Anything out of schedule will be about immediate events or the website itself.

Monday will be a spiritually minded post.
Wednesday will be a more of a family post.
Friday will be a post with drafts of my fiction writing/podcasting.

Schedule starts next week. Much love to my friends.