
Esbrus – The Capital of the Republic

The center of the Hesberian Empire lies in its own province south of Tecia marked by gently rolling hills. The heart of the city lies between the two rivers, Bristus and Dejperus. According to the last census, Esbrus is home to 200 Senators’ familes, 22,314 Equestrian Families, 157,922 families of Freedmen, 62,817 Merchant families, 700


Menajen’s Folly

Remember that in Hesberian, aj is pronounced similar to ai in English. When followed by another vowel, a y sound is slightly vocalized on the second vowel. In short, the name is me-nai-yen. Menajen was a generation removed from Eristotle and yet learned at the school he founded shortly before his death. Menajen was fascinated


Ilosian remix – rough draft

In re-thinking the Ilosians based on their language, I wanted to quickly write down a couple of ideas to expand upon later. Physically, the Ilosians exhibit a wide variation of pigmentation. Within the same clan, pigmentation is similar with individual variations (much like fingerprints or tiger stripes). However, there are a few traits that cover