Don’t Change the Subject

I was cleaning out some things on my computer at home and I came across something from 1993. It is a short note written from one religious leader, whom I’ll call Ted to a former leader of the same church, whom I’ll call Jay. Jay wrote an essay pointing out the inaccuraccies and exaggerations of

How to Do a Conference

Every year I post about it, so forgive the repetition. There is a very good way to do a conference that is worth the cost of admission. First, offer good content. Second, don’t use a hotel as a venue. Third, make sure the cost only covers expenses. Fourth, use the internet ans social networking sites

Don’t Cross the Streams!

more animals It was bound to happen, of course. lolcat and post together just like peanut butter and axle grease. The result is also not as well thought out as I want it to be. Case in point, I confused Hebrews and Romans the first time I wrote it. Caveat emptor This picture reminds me