
HOPE Shell Game

Quote from a man named Allen. The area where some improprieties may have happened is in the actual collection and distribution of funds. When the ICC evangelizer preached for donations to the poor … did he mean the benevolence account at the church – or did he mean HOPE? Did he promote projects of HOPE


Another long gap

But I’m still up to some good, you know. I’ve been doing a lot of writing, just not here. My cousin has written a piece about the Iraqi attack on the USS Stark during the Iran-Iraq war I wrote him a pretty good review, I think. I pointed out a couple things, but after the


Conduit spell

High level meta-magic feat that allows the caster to create a temporal hole to a place where magic is more powerful. In other words, there is more magic crystal in that area. This allows subsequent spells to have the same effect as if cast in the area of more powerful magic. Once high level casters